Friday, September 10, 2021

TRAIN, TRAIN AND WE MADE IT TO ROMA! (Tuesday, 9-7-2021)

Oh Tuscany, we are going to miss you and Il Borghetto!

This morning we woke up to a hot air balloon sailing over the vineyards in the distance.  Beautiful!  Hey John, Team Giovanni would like to do this next time, please!

The four of us were packed early and ready to go.  We bid our good byes to Simona, Ricardo, Sandra and Niccola at Il Borghetto (best hosts EVER), and made our way to Sienna.  

John dropped us off at the train station while he dropped off the rental car.  When he returned, we boarded a train to Florence and then picked up the fast train to Rome!  Everything went off without a hitch!  We arrived in Rome and picked up a taxi to our next Airbnb!  Easy Peasy!  

Our front door here is rather interesting; our location is fabulous!  (No worries, this is the door that opens onto the street.  Our flat is up ten steps and we have another normal front door!)

It wasn’t long before we were roaming the streets of Rome.  Fascinating!

We noticed this board, on a street corner, with notes tacked on it leaning against a wall.  When we got closer, it (we think) was filled with prayer requests, tributes and death notices from people about loved ones who were suffering or had died of Covid.  It is still difficult to grasp that this is a world wide pandemic.  ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¢

I found and fell in love with my next car!

John found and fell in love with his next car as well!

We stopped at a little street cafe and each enjoyed a coveted beer and delicious dinner!  Is there ever a less than perfect meal in Italy?  We think not!

We all think Rome is going to work for the next six days!  We’re looking forward to seeing what all it has to offer!

And thanks for stopping by!

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