Tuesday, September 14, 2021


It is hard to believe that it has been twenty years since September 11, when our lives were forever changed.  We took a moment this morning to remember….

My love affair with Smart cars has been rekindled here in Italy!  They are just so darn efficient, not to mention CUTE!!!

After waiting for about three hours this morning on a load of laundry to finish (seriously!), we finally gave up and left it agitating away!  Hopefully the cycle will be done when we get back!  

The Pantheon was on our list of “Must Sees” today!  And since it was the weekend, we also wanted to walk the streets and soak up what all the locals were soaking up!

People were milling around the Pantheon, soaking up the warm sunshine, simply enjoying the day.  We did the same!  Mike figured out that we needed to register before entering the Pantheon, so he completed that portion for us while we stood in line.

It wasn’t long before it was our turn to show our vaccination cards, passports and have our temperatures taken before our entry into the Basilica of Santa Maria (Pantheon). 

Have I mentioned how safe we have all felt in Rome?  These guys are stationed at all the key landmarks throughout the city.  I read that it was a movement called “Safe Streets” where security has been increased in a fight against terrorism (and local crime, like pickpocketing).  It sure feels like it is working!

Here are some photos of the interior of The Pantheon!

There is a hole in the top of the dome called the oculus, which is referred as “The Eye of The Pantheon.”

After we saw every nook and cranny of The Pantheon, we hiked over to a McDonald’s where Patte purchased her beloved Diet Coke replacement, Coke Zero!  She was a happy camper!

The four of us have fallen in love with the streets of Rome!  Everywhere you look you see little shops and cafes filled with people enjoying pizzas, pasta and Spritz!

We stopped at one of those cafes and enjoyed our very own pizzas and beer!

Then more walking and soaking up all that makes Rome, Rome!

We went back to our Airbnb to put our feet up for a bit and to change for dinner.  Then off we went to a rooftop bar at the Minerva Hotel.  Yes, there were drinks involved and some wonderful appetizers!  

It sprinkled a bit, but we were under a huge umbrella, so we were able to enjoy it without getting wet!  Minutes later the rain was finished and we got to see a beautiful sunset!

Thanks, Dave and Michelle, for another great recommendation for dinner!  We went to La Campana, which is the oldest restaurant in Rome and may even be the oldest in Italy, established in 1526!

The food was delicious!  

These, although they don’t look like it, we’re filets!  The top one is in a balsamic vinegar sauce and the next one a green pepper sauce?  The sauces were absolutely FABULOUS!

This is what we got when we ordered a side of vegetables!  Of course, they were delicious!

And the walk home was delightful!  

We had another FULL day in Roma!  And I’m happy to report every piece of our laundry was ever so CLEAN!

And thanks for stopping by!

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