Saturday, September 18, 2021



The journey back to the good ‘ol  United States of America—here we go!

1. We bid good bye to Mamacita!  She guarded over our little courtyard and watched over our elevator!

2. We took the final walk down the streets of Napoli, luggage in hand, to the Metro!

3. We rode the Metro to the train station.  We rode the train back to the Rome train terminal.

4. We ate lunch at a restaurant in the train terminal after showing our vaccination card!

5. We rode the train from the terminal to the airport.

6.  We checked into the airport Hilton and found the ClearStay sticker on our door.

7. We performed our COVID tests for our flight tomorrow morning!  Luckily, all four of us were negative, so we printed our results and are ready to go!

8. We used the hand sanitizer to enter the Hilton dining room, where we had wine and appetizers.

9.  We enjoyed a fabulous last night true Italian dinner, compliments of Mike and Patte.  (Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!)  Oops, only remembered to take photos of the desserts!

Whew!  We fly from Rome to Germany tomorrow morning.  And then we fly from Germany to Chicago tomorrow afternoon!  We will be sleeping in our own bed tomorrow night!!!

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