Thursday, September 16, 2021


The Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square is nothing short of amazing!  Eight years ago, John and I were fortunate enough to see Papa Francisco say mass in this square!  What a memory!  Unfortunately, the Pope was not in Italy today, so mass was being held inside St. Peter’s Basilica.  And we all decided to attend!

The church is unbelievable!  Diedam boys, if you are reading this, you would NOT BELIEVE the amount of gold leaf that is inside!  We sure wish you could have joined us here today!  You would have appreciated every square inch of it, inside and out!

Mass began with the longest procession of Cardinals and Bishops and Priests.  The men’s choir sang so beautifully, it gave us chills!.  I wish I could figure out how to post videos here because I got away with taking one at the beginning of mass!  John, however,  got caught with his phone out and was sternly reprimanded!  

After mass we went back to our flat, packed and relaxed for a bit!  It wasn’t long before an Uber driver picked us up and delivered us to the address where our pasta cooking class, Cook With Mamma, was to take place!  Mamma sent us a picture of her front door, which we found, and her flat was upstairs.

There were ten of us attending class: a young couple from Israel, a Mom, Dad and daughter from Canada, and a young woman from Amsterdam and the four of us representing the USA!  Mamma welcomed us on her patio and brought out appetizers and drinks.

Mamma led us inside where she had everything prepared and ready for us!

And so the magic began!  We washed our hands, put on aprons and began preparing our dough!  When we were finished, Mamma (with the help of her two nieces) wrapped up our dough and put it all in the refrigerator to chill.

Here is Mamma!  She used to be an attorney, but is now an Airbnb Experience extraordinaire!

While our dough was chilling we began preparing our individual desserts of tiramisu!  We were going to eat well tonight!

And that’s when the party began to get CRAZY!  Mamma and her nieces sang and danced while the ten of us put together the five layers of our tiramisu!  

Next up — ravioli!  We used half of our dough and rolled it out until it was super thin.  We used cookie cutters and cut the dough into circles and hearts and flowers.  We mixed together three kinds of cheeses for the inside of the raviolis.

Mamma showed us how to assemble it all into little raviolis!  It was SO MUCH FUN!

Next, we used the other half of our dough, rolled it out, folded it, and cut it into pasta noodles!

After everything was cooked, we all sat down and devoured one delicious dinner!  What an interesting group of people we enjoyed getting to know!  What an awesome time we had preparing the meal!  Mamma and her nieces were delightful and we actually LEARNED HOW TO MAKE pasta noodles, tiramisu and ravioli!  It was certainly a night to remember!


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