Thursday, September 16, 2021


Our bags are packed, we’re ready to go!  We were up early, sad to be leaving our beloved Roma, and excited for our final destination…NAPOLI!

The train took a little over two hours to arrive in Naples where we hopped into a taxi with a CRAZY Italian driver.  (No Uber in Napoli!). He dropped us about a block away from our Airbnb, saying he couldn’t get any closer.  The area seemed, let’s just say, a bit colorful!  Here is the door into the courtyard of our condo!

And here is the elevator we take to get upstairs.  It costs a dime and barely holds two people.  Needless to say, we were all thinking the same thing…this IS NOT GOING TO BE GOOD!

Our flat ended up being one of our favorite of the trip!  We took a moment to unzip our suitcases, then survived another 10 cent elevator ride, and started walking toward the water.  The area turned out to be amazing!  We are a block off Toledo Street, a popular shopping area filled with vendors, cafes and high end stores!  Whew!  And the Mediterranean Sea was a short fifteen minute walk down hill!  We were THRILLED to see several cruise ships docked at the port! 

We found a curbside diner that we decided would be PERFECT for dinner, after walking miles to find a much recommended restaurant that wouldn’t open for dinner for several hours.  Remember, we are Floridians and Floridians like to eat EARLY!

Man, did we ever sleep well in our Napoli Airbnb!

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