Tuesday, August 24, 2021

VENICE: WHAT WE’VE LEARNED! (Sunday, 8-22-2021)

Today is a travel day for us!  Up early to head to the water taxi that will take us to the train station in Venice!  So I thought I’d post about a few things we’ve learned during our time in Venice!

1.  There are “real” gondolas and “fake” gondolas in Venice!  If you want a ride in a “real” one, this is what you look for when choosing your boat!  (It is also good to have an English speaking gondolier!

2.  Venice is an island that does not allow cars, trucks, etc.  Everything that comes to the island, (groceries,  paper goods, clothing, etc.), must come in by boat!

3.  There are fountains throughout Venice that contain purified water.  We filled our water bottles daily and are proud to report no stomach ailments, to date!

4.  Because Venice is an island, ambulances rush by through the canals!  We saw two during our four days in Venice!

5.  Venice is CLEAN!  Not a piece of litter was seen anywhere!  And it is dog friendly too!  We saw dogs following their owners throughout the “streets” with no evidence of dogs anywhere.  (If you know what I mean!

6.  Venice is maintaining strict COVID guidelines.  We needed to be vaccinated to enter Italy and have a negative COVID test (within 48 hours).  In Venice, we needed to show our vaccination card to enter the museums and masks are required everywhere!

                                                                CIAO FOR NOW!!!