Friday, August 27, 2021


Have I told you how much we all enjoy our little boutique hotel in Castelbello?  Well, we REALLY do!

Years ago, John came home from a business trip and told me about a meal he had thoroughly enjoyed at the Kuppelrain restaurant in a small Italian village called Castelbello!  He stated then that it was his all time favorite restaurant IN THE WORLD, and that someday he would like to take me there!  Well, guess what?  Tonight was the night!  Our reservations were for 7:00PM sharp!

The Kuppelrain is a small restaurant with less than ten tables.  Tonight, every table was full.  The courses were chosen for us by the head chef and owner, Jorg, and were each paired perfectly with a wine chosen by his wife, Sonya (a sommelier).  We took pictures of every course (except two) and tried to remember what each one consisted of—here’s what we came up with!  Beware—food porn and wine porn coming!!!

1.  Homemade speck

2. Homemade bread, breadsticks and olive oil

3.  Foam of polenta and Gorgonzola ice cream

4.  Homemade bread with rose butter

5.  Ooops, we forgot to get a picture, but it was goose liver pate, and goose liver

6.  Oops, forgot another picture, but it was trout with horseradish and elderberry sauce

7.  Octopus with foam of potato

8.  Ravioli stuffed with goat cheese with tiny tomatoes 

9.  Bok Choy, pork belly, scampi

10.  Deer, mushrooms, mashed potatoes, cherries, and celery served with a bowl of deer chunks and nuts

11.  Apricot, ice cream, chocolate slivers

12.  Pastry chef chocolates

Yes, we made it through every single course and loved each and every bite!  We were literally STUFFED by the time the chocolates were served!  And the chocolates were served at MIDNIGHT!  This dining “experience” lasted FIVE HOURS!!!!

And the wine, OMG, the wine!  We were served 16 different wines and went through over SIXY-FOUR wine glasses just at our table!  I can’t even imagine the size of the dishwasher!

It was, without a doubt, a night to remember!  John and I were thrilled that Patte and Mike agreed to join us!  And I’ll have to agree with John, the Kuppelrain is now my all time favorite restaurant as well!!  If you are ever in Italy, you MUST book a table there!  It isn’t just a dinner…it is an EXPERIENCE!

John and Mike stayed and took a tour of the wine cellar.  (Patte and I walked back to our rooms and jammied up!)  John said that they had over 20,000 bottles of wine in their cellar!  

What an AMAZING night of food, drink, more food, more drink and many, many laughs!

                                                                  CIAO FOR NOW!


  1. Oh my goodness—Michelin rated! I’m so envious. Keep up the pictures!

  2. WOW! Glad you all got to experience together!!

  3. Sounds and looks like an amazing experience

  4. It certainly was!!! Once in a lifetime kind of thing!
